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Where Angels Dance

Where Angels Dance (1994)

Brief Nudity


Patrick Coppola made the film Where Angels Dance (1994) and literally couldn’t find anyone to distribute his film, even for rental. It’s about a guy named Alex Blake who works the late night shift and generally comes across as a loner. But things in his life change when he meets the acquaintance of two girls – a hooker who suffers under a pimp, and a Harvard Psychology student who moves into his apartment. Through these two characters a repressed rage is reborn in Alex, and now he has to continue his lifelong fight for personal redemption. Lauren B. Martin plays the Harvard student and gets caught up in a couple of sex scenes and shows her breasts a number of times. To a lesser degree Belinda Carroll does the same thing, but we only get to see her jugs through an opened door and behind a dude who’s blocking them. The movie may have struggled in obscurity, but we’ve extracted the good parts for your viewing pleasure!