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Ungela Brockman

Ungela Brockman Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, Black, Black Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US


Ungela Brockman broke into the Show-Bidness world as a dancer on tour with various pop music acts, which is how she first landed on celluloid in Madonna: The Girlie Show – Live Down Under in 1993. Naturally, she got into the movies shortly thereafter, generally appearing as a dancer of some ilk in such productions as From Dusk Till Dawn and Out to Sea before finally landing a role outside of that particular milieu in 1997’s Starship Troopers. Since those early, heady days in her career, Ungela has gone on to appear in such films as Susan’s Plan and Mystery Men, forever to eschew the stereotypical “dancer” role with which she was so accustomed. Such wasn’t the case in her Silver Screen debut, though. That’s right, folks! Ungela’s first Skinematic role was in 1995’s Showgirls and although she didn’t show off nearly as much as the better part of the Skinful cast of the film, there are more than enough ass and tit shots of the lithe young lady to keep one’s imagination at bay. What a classic!