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Myriam Gibril

Myriam Gibril Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Brunette Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 2

Birthplace: , US

Top Myriam Gibril Scenes


The exotic and erotic Myriam Gibril got her start co-starring alongside Donald Cammell in the truly bizarre flick Lucifer Rising (1972). Following a six-year hiatus, she returned to deliver some Feedback (1978) and then gave up on cinema (and therefore skinema) outright. It was Cammell’s 1996 suicide that spurred a mini-comeback for Myriam and her mambos. Don Cammell, as it turns out, ended up being a rather troubled writer/director, and it was his death that led to a few retrospectives and tributes and such. One such example was The Argument (1999), a short feature in which Ms. Gibril delivered the giblets with a perky proficiency. She must have really dug this Cammell guy, huh?