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I Tembelides tis eforis kiladas

I Tembelides tis eforis kiladas (1978)

Brief Nudity

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The caustically satirical Greek comedy I Tembelides tis eforis kiladas (1978) was distributed internationally as The Slothful Ones of the Fertile Valley, which is as apt a plot description as any. The film tells of a group of friends whose lives devolve into an excess of sloth and indolence when they’re freed from the requirement of working for a living. Director Nikos Panayotopoulos levies plenty of barbs at the leisure classes, but there’s no doubt that the actions of his hedonistic characters appear mighty appealing. Who in the world would want to work nine to five when they could just as easily stay home and observe the likes of Olga Karlatos sashaying nakedly through the cavernous rooms of a palatial mansion?