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Badges of Fury

Badges of Fury (2013)

No Nudity

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Badges of Fury (2013) is a throwback to the old Hong Kong action flicks of the late 80s and early 90s, and stars one of the biggest stars of that era, Jet Li! A string of bizarre killings brings together two very different detectives, the haggard veteran Huang (Li) and the young hotshot Wang (Zhang Wen). After discovering that all of the victims were ex-boyfriends of an aspiring starlet (Yan Liu), Wang must go undercover as her lover to try and trap the killer.  For all the amazing action, there's very little bedroom action happening in this flick. We do get some terrific cleavage from Yan Liu in a nightgown, and a nice down blouse shot as she bends over in a black dress, but that's it sadly. That really does make it like the best Hong Kong action flicks... lots of ass-kicking, not enough ass-licking!