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All at Number 20

All at Number 20

No Nudity


This UK comedy series must have sucked pretty badly because I couldn’t find a damn thing written about it beyond “Struggling widow Sheila Haddon (Maureen Lipman), to make ends meet, decides to take in lodgers.” I assume hilarity ensues as a wacky line-up of lodgers makes her life miserable but I really couldn’t tell you, since nobody has written a damn thing about this show, seemingly, ever. What I can tell you though is that in looking for the show, lead actress Maureen Lipman reminded me that my first ever crush in school was on a girl called Samantha Lipman. She was hot (well, as hot as a seven-year-old can be to another seven-year-old) and she had something of a crush on me too. Only, I was victim to peer group pressure and at that age it was most definitely not cool to dig girls. They had germs, you see. Girls’ germs. So whenever Samantha Lipman made a move to start a conversation, I’d drop my head, act uninterested and wait for her to leave. Of course, I’ve beat myself up over that for decades since, so because I was sick and tired of looking for All at Number 20reference material, I instead looked up Samantha Lipman. And wouldn’t you know it, I think I found her! That is, her and her husband and their newborn baby. Looks like I was a year too late and unless she reads MrSkin.com, she’ll never know what lasting impact her pre-teen flirtations had on my soul… sigh. Oh, anyway, Carol Hawkins was in this show and she got naked in Zeta One. The end. (sob)